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Sky Series LED Grow Lights

Used to provide supplemental lighting in mixed lighting grow operations. The SKY Series modular drivers allow for easy field servicing. Growers have options on the type of spectrum they would like in their grow facility based on their individual needs and goals.

Sky 630F

Full Spectrum

Broad spectrum to replicate natural sunlight. Great for use as both a sole-source of light or in mixed light grow rooms.

Sky 630R

Dual Spectrum

Provides maximum efficiency with its red dominant spectrum. Ideal for getting maximum yields in mixed light grow rooms. ​

Interested in Bulk Pricing or a custom lighting layout plan?

Mounting Options


STORM 8: 25% less energy than 1000W DE HPS
STORM 4: 25% less energy than 600W DE HPS

Sky 630f

Lifetime: LP90 50,000 Hours+ Warranty: 5 Years IP Rating: IP66

Sky 630r

Lifetime: LP90 50,000 Hours+ Warranty: 5 Years IP Rating: IP66

Optimize your grow with your ideal spectrum

SKY 630F BROAD Spectrum

Broad spectrum to replicate natural sunlight. Great for use as both a sole-source of light or in mixed light grow rooms.

SKY 630R DUAL Spectrum

Provides maximum efficiency with its red dominant spectrum. Ideal for getting maximum yields in mixed lighting row rooms.


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